Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Spring 2006 Blizzard -

Here are some captures from my balcony of the 2006 blizzard audio again but you should get an idea about how strong the winds were. There was a lot of snow blowin' around and it was accumulating fast. To make matters worse, the shovel crew of our apartment had IQs lesser than the windchill ... as they cleaned the road but made sure that the snow they 'cleared' piled in a steady bank right infront of our garages!!! So by the evening if you tried to pull ur car out of the garage - like I did ... you hit a snow bank as you drove out - after that you either drove back and above it or your car just balanced in mid air with the snow bank under it.

The Videos:

Here is the first clip

Here is the second clip

Why not embed them here? 'cause they might slow the page down ...


Anonymous said...

Oh man... I remember that blizzard. I think everybody had at least one "car got stuck" story to share the next day.


Anonymous said...

It was a bad blizzard.