Friday, September 15, 2006

A Fair To Remember

It was a lazy Saturday noon when we set off for Minneapolis but not before we stopped by the neighbourhood lemonade stall and consumed a good $2 worth of the stuff. KB was once again in the driving seat with Parul by his side, while Nandy and I were assigned seats 2A and 2B. I had loaded the disc changer with music I thought would interest my company, some Abeeda Parveen, some Foo Fighters and some DMB ...

The ride was interesting for its conversation as the music died after a brief gusto. We were engrossed in interesting arguments, that might not have been so important after all ...'cause I cannot remember them. Anyhow, we got there (I'll skip the parking details and supress the memory of our walk there) ...and it was huge!

The crowd had gathered for what it wanted and there was plenty of it! Preztels, Corn Dogs, Turkey Legs, Horses on display, Rides ...and more people.

We walked in the crowd dazed by the sensory overload ...the sights, sounds and the smells of a fair were all there. Nandy kept getting lost in the crowd while trying to navigate the crowd through his viewfinder, but his Green shirt and the height made it easier for us to separate him from the flood headed our way.

We ate some smoke corn, I had a Turkey leg and there were many clicks of their cameras ... they were kind enough to send me some. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Naya kuchh likhenge aap?