Friday, February 12, 2010

Let the fun begin ...tinkering with Linux, Device Drivers and basic circuits with no fear!

I finally have taken the leap from being curious to being hands-on with stuff I have always wondered about but never had time to do. Installing Linux on my laptop helps me develop device drivers and with those device drivers I want to be able to eventually read and write information into and out of a machine.

And ... you want to be able to do that so you can write fun games which you can play with hacked-USB inputs and control things around the house and monitor stuff.

First things first:
Bought Arduino Duemilanove:

Installing Ubuntu: TBD

Buying basic parts: TBD for pictures/updates and notes as I learn more! Write to me if you are interesting in DIY stuff and especially if you happen to know much more than I do ... could use all the help. Let the "Warranty Breaking" begin!!!!

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